Stay Away


Don't go near

her - we fear!

She will accuse.

The fuse began

when a Secret Society man


And she reported

Only to be retorted.

It shaped

her whole life

Leading to Nowhere

They don't care

They only wear

A Mask

To cover secrets

Which reach

Which still speak

if one listens.

Instead they follow

Their hollow lives

glisten - lit


while they style

fashioned ideology

which geoscapes society

Inside and Out

Crying out

only makes it hurt worse

Mr. Secret penetrated

not just once

but every day

crafting his way

through relatives

who relieve

by believing lies

No cry can stop it

It only fuels


Using their guise

to guide literally

all she encounters

"Don't go near her!"

She's a bomb!

She will accuse!

You are fools

if you abide

with her

Don't go near her! 


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