Being Native
(picture) ----------THEY ARE GETTING A DISHONEST HACKER TO ALTER MY WORK HERE, REMOVING THE EDIT BAR WHEN I TRY TO FIX THE FORMATTING, WHICH SHOULD NOT EVEN BE ALIGNED TO THE LEFT WHEN I PASTE IT. THE OTHER ONES I HAVE POSTED WERE NO PROBLEM SO SOME BASTARD IS DOING THIS ---- AND THAT IS WHAT THE INTERNET SOCIOPATHS PAY PEOPLE TO DO! MY MESSAGE: SENT TO BLOGGER Stop using a subapp to remove the edit bar when I try to edit my work! I get fed up with the tricks of techs who have nothing better to do than harm others. DON'T PAY THEM! 11/9/2021 BLOG IS: STRAWBERRIES FOR THE SOUL POETRY Being Native Means Being Natural, One with Nature Every creature Knows You for you belong to the real world, You use the real world to keep you whole. Your soul Is who you are. You find yourself As you commute not only with your community Biut also you find...